Customer Support Center

Visual K launches its new customer support system. Our goal is to provide a timely and efficient technology assistance service. With this we intend to guarantee the correct operation and performance of the implemented applications. Go to portal



Infor / Visual K software support

The support service ensures that our products operate efficiently

With the support of Visual K, you have access to a portal to report incidents or make inquiries about processes or operations or systems. It has levels of attention according to the criticality of the reported incidents. We also put the experience of our engineers at your disposal.

With this support service you can improve the continuity of your software and reduce the risk of downtime.


Centrally and orderly manage all activities and information related to each reported incident

Provide our clients with the possibility of publishing and updating incidents or inquiries about the software products that Visual K distributes.


Better response time

Incident reports

Possibility of access from PC or mobile device

Visual K provides support to resolve incidents in:

Problems with custom developments

Software failures

Problems installing applications

Consultation of doubts in knowledge base