How to achieve a fully integrated company

As part of the digital transformation changes in the industry are inevitable, some happen so fast that the evolution affects the operation of our company, and when this happens, it is extremely difficult to have control of all areas.

Infor OS

Today I want to talk about Infor OS, a cloud platform that allows to integrate all processes of the daily operation of any company regardless of the business: Agroindustry, Power Generation, Manufacturing, Banking, Telecommunications, Human Resources and any other company.

This is from my personal experience and a suggestion for you to improve your operations.

Infor OS (Operating Service)

This cloud platform unifies all areas of the enterprise, is fully customizable, and allows you to connect any Infor system, such as Infor EAM, CSI, d/EPM, M3; and even third-party systems such as SAP, NetSuite, Microsoft, Oracle, even uploading text files and integrating data.

Some of the systems that make up Infor OS are: ION (Intelligent Open Network), IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence) for machine learning, Birst for business intelligence; really a wide range of specific solutions for each company process, I'll talk about some with real examples.

Infor OS 01Infor Ming.le

One of the main services of Infor OS is Ming.le, a portal that unifies the whole platform with a single-sign-on access for all the systems that are integrated.

This platform allows interactions similar to an internal social network of the company, especially regarding what is happening within each system within, a real connection to achieve the collaboration of all areas.

When accessing the portal, we see a home page with dashboards and widgets that show summarized information of any area of the company, some already predefined and new ones can be created. To mention some: visualizers of workflows, visualization of operation documents, interaction between employees, progress graphs, indicators, alerts, notifications for the whole company and, as I mentioned, any specific widget that the business requires can be added.

It is possible to have a single page or create several dashboards to facilitate analysis, grouping indicators by areas, for example, operations, finance, human resources, and have real-time information from different data sources. All this information can be centralized in these widgets, becoming a tool that facilitates decision making within the business.

Managing documents and sharing them with other colleagues always becomes complex, but this platform has a specialized document manager to ease the process.

IDM (Infor Document Management)

This system manages any company documentation, that is, how to have documents available that would be useful to other colleagues to complete activities, files or records that are needed at any time.
Each document is assigned attributes (due date, revision level and others), which can be used to generate notifications or other actions with workflows and alerts in Ming.le. Any document can be stored within IDM and can be consulted by anyone who is given access.
The great advantage of this platform is that it works in a web environment and also has a mobile app to interact with all systems from cell phones and tablets.

Infor OS 02Mobile App

Many of the platform's features are available in a mobile application, and all this enterprise integration is complemented by a chat to communicate instantly with any colleague. This improves workflows, which is another point I would like to touch, we can work authorizations no matter how many people or authorization levels are needed; from anywhere thanks to the mobile application.


It is possible to give follow-up and approvals of any action of the company and of any system, according to the policies of each one. For example, there may be tasks that do not need approval, then some that need approval from an immediate boss and others that require approval from the area director, we would have a 3 or more level-approval process, all this is possible within the system and regardless of where we have the information. Thinking of something more complex, we can include authorizations from a committee or board of directors, all possible with Infor OS workflows.
The advantage of these approvals and tracking is that they are one click away, the web appearance is convenient and easy to use.
Workflows enable hybrid integrations, any system on the local level with others in the cloud. You define yourself: the data flow, the way in which the data is transformed and what data is extracted from each system. With the support of ION, communication and conditions are made so that the systems can communicate with each other.

Infor ION (Intelligent Open Network)

Infor ION is in charge of unifying the processes in the most versatile way, reducing the workload, avoiding entering the same information twice in different systems.

The advantage is that ION supports any type of data you want to integrate, no matter if they are systems from different developers, ION itself generates the components and connection points to communicate with any system.
It has an Enterprise Connector, which generates secure connections and facilitates communication between a cloud environment and one outside the cloud. It also has OneView to monitor the connection, visualize it by status, know the type of information being sent, how it is arriving, possible errors and many more features; a totally complete system of connectivity and monitoring.

As I said, with ION you can integrate any system and centralize the information, it is even possible to create new systems with Infor Mongoose, which I will talk about now.

Infor OS 03

Infor Mongoose

To complete this platform, there is the robust Infor Mongoose development framework, which allows the creation of applications that complement the operation of the company, interfaces that cover any specific requirement or complete systems. For example, at VisualK we developed a specialized system for Human Talent and Payroll called HTis, and VK-POS, a complete point-of-sale system, both developed entirely within this framework.

To complement the operation of any company, it is really possible to develop whatever is needed and give it a friendly interface.

Reading about how to integrate the whole operation of a company seems like a utopia, but with Infor OS it is possible, many of the problems that you have regularly are solved and improved.

Unifying the operation of different areas of a company is indispensable.

It has been an honor to share with you these minutes of reading hoping that it will be useful for your business, we have not really talked about all the components of Infor OS, if you want to know more about this platform do not hesitate to contact me or any VisualK partner.

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